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Part 2 – Boosting Fat Burning Outside The Gym

Before I start giving some tips to boost fat burning. Please understand that these will only provide you with a extra 1% fat burning ability. You still have to train insane & work your ass of in the kitchen. Hope these help.

Tips for fat loss –

Walk fasted in the mornings for one hour with 1/2 cups of green tea + plenty of water. Example – Delay breakfast & eat when you arrive in work. Don’t leave it to late breakfast is a vital meal. Just delay it if possible.

Train hard 3/4 times per week. Don’t over do it this will only hinder our fat loss.

Eat post-workout meal 30-45 minutes following exercise, not before this. Again just delay this meal don’t abandan it.

Eat real food. De-stress. Walk – fitbit user if your not getting 12000 plus steps per day time to ditch the car.

Female fat loss –

Stress is biggest compounding factor. (Review part 1)

If storing fat in the legs and lower abs stress is number 1 issue. (Review part 1)

Usually slower rate of fat loss than men as have more hormonal interaction naturally and things change at time of the month (Fred doesn’t like to talk about this). Learn how to say fuck it every so often like a man would rather than stressing.

Make sure you #liftweightslikeabadass

Protein is usually biggest hurdle, baby steps lets work on having a protein source with every meal or snack its our best friend when trying to burn fat. I had a lady in with last night who only had 30grams of protein for the whole day. Not enough.

Tips for female fat loss –

Remove all plastic (only eat fresh food cut down on packaged processed foods)

Think about muscle fibre type with training we need a balance of weight training and cardio i.e body sculpture, fat blast and strength & conditioning for advanced.

Add more fish oil to diet, really will help speed up fat loss and most don’t get enough fish in diet. Preferably good quality

Over 40s must have patience. Unfortunately females over 40s will have to slowest rate of weight loss/ fat loss. It takes time and you really to focus on all areas of training, nutrition, sleep and stress

Drink lots of green tea and eat lots green vegetables.


There is a lot more to been fit, healthy and looking your best than how we exercise and eat. We must work hard on getting the correct sleep, having our hormones working and de stressing.